Monday, May 19, 2008

With a song in my heart . . .

. . . I borrow a line from Stevie Wonder to say, "Don't go baby, don't go baby; don't go baby, don't go baby."

Today's beta result is 559. That gives me a doubling time of 46.7 hours. My guarded reaction as I tried to do the math kinda disappointed the nurse coordinator who called. She'd clearly hoped to hear some serious whooping.

What can I say — it is HARD to switch gears from keeping my hopes tamped down and perfectly categorized under the heading "Ain't Gonna Happen." Elation is still a bit out of my reach, but I have jumped on the just-plain-happy wagon and will work on ramping things up after the shock wears off.

Tonight I send a message to my little cell blob:

"Tomorrow marks 18 days since you first started growing. Good luck forming your neural groove with pretty brain bulge on one end (assuming the wiki author actually got that right). I just know it will go well. In the meantime, this song is for you."


Polly Gamwich said...

Wow - that's wonderful news!!!

I hear ya though about being contained. It is hard to be excited, isn't it?

Congrats again ... looking forward to your first u/s!!

bb said...

Wow - what a great beta!! Stevie Wonder knows what he is singing about. Continued good luck to you!!!

Joonie said...

That is excellent news! I understand why your reaction is somewhat guarded, but I am very excited for you!!

Lisa said...

I am so very, very happy with this news, Lisa. I know exactly how you are feeling.....that loosening up inside your heart where you are starting to wonder, dare I feel hope?

I hope your baby/ies is/are burrowing in deep for a long stay until it/he/she/they is/are ready to come out, healthy and happy!

My betas with Ian were very, very strong like yours are, your news takes me back to those days almost exactly a year ago that I was going through all of this. I hope that at this time next year, you to are up to your ears in dirty diapers and baby equipment to trip over at every turn. :-D

SandyR said...

Thats great! Are you having anymore beats or is it the wait till the scan?