That's the same number I started with last time, so I've decided to view this cycle as a JEN-yoo-INE do-over in which I will do everything I can to help these follies along and, I hope, stay open to whatever forces might come together to improve the outcome with a healthy, sticky bean.
Yay for quiet cyst-free ovaries!
Best wishes for this cycle.
May the force be with you!
I know it's cheesy, but I couldn't resist.
11 is a good number. Good Luck and Best Wishes.
That's fantastic news, Lisa!
Wishing you all the very best of luck on this cycle - grow, follies, grow!
Great news!
Stumbled on your blog and realized we are on similar timelines. I started Lupron and Gonal-F on the 15th. This is my second IVF and I also just one one good try before moving on. I'll be reading faithfully. Good Luck!
That's great news about the 11 follicles. Sounds like you're off to a great start! Just came across your blog and think it's really well written, personal and informative and generous with insights. I'm an American living in the UK, and did my first ever IVF cycle (as a single woman, 39) in Copenhagen in August... regrettably the result was negative. I'm wondering if you're engaging in any fertility boosting practices such as a certain diet, or acupuncture or making changes to your lifestyle to support a positive outcome? My 1st cylce was a good experience, and I felt good mentally and physically, and then the embryos just didn't implant as we had hoped they would... wondering if you've come across any suggested practices for helping the embryo to implant? I know a lot of questions! More than anything, I wish you loads of good luck and a happy, healthy, positive result! Cheers, Meryl
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