Monday, November 17, 2008

Today's beta news

I'll keep this short:

Saturday's number was 91.8, and today's was 170.

Because it didn't quite double in 48 hours, I'll go back for Round 3 on Wednesday.


Katie said...

I know you've been through this before, so there is nothing that I can "educate" you on regarding doubling and all of that.

All I can offer is a prayer. And a hug.

I've lived beta hell. It's tough.

Thinking of you.

bb said...

Congrats on a great second beta!! (I've read that the numbers should double between 48 and 72 hours...I think you are fine.) Good luck!

Polly Gamwich said...

Ok, I'm still ganna say that that's good. Seriously I agree with BB, 48-72 hours and it's not like it was only a 10% increase.

Praying for a good result on Wednesday.

Evil Stepmonster said...

Having to wait these things out is just torture. But its still looking great.

niobe said...

Thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and praying for a good doubling on Wednesday

Tara said...

I am holding on to my hope that this is the one for you. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

Ms Heathen said...

Thinking of you, and holding out all hope for good news tomorrow.

Try to hang on to the fact that you are still PUPO!

Lisa said...

I agree with everyone's great that the numbers are going up, and they are so close to double, which is a good sign. Sticky baby vibes to you....

Mrs.X said...

Sending you all the good thoughts I can for tomorrow!