As predicted, 3 of my little eggies were mature. The lab ICSI'd them, and — hallelujah! — all 3 fertilized.
Our good fert success in both possible cycles makes me even more certain that IVF was right for us. If nothing else we know that DH's sperm and my eggs are amenable to hooking up and trying to make a go of it. They just need the help of an expensive matchmaker. I always knew it!
In our April/May cycle 6 fertilized and so the RE felt confident enough at this point in the game to schedule our transfer. No such luck today. But the clinic was nice enough to narrow tomorrow's possible phone-call window to 2.5 hours for me.
Please pray with me, people: Divide and stay healthy, divide and stay healthy, divide and stay healthy!
If we get a healthy bub from all this hubbub, I am totally buying this print.
Congrats on the 3 embies! Divide and stay healthy! Divide and stay healthy! Divide and stay healthy....
Divide and stay healthy. . .Divide and stay healthy. . .Divide and stay healthy. . .I hope the lab calls to schedule your transfer tomorrow. Good luck!
Sending all my good divide and stay healthy (although, my mind wants to turn it into divide and conquer - no! no!) vibes your way!
I'm with everyone else and chanting "Divide and stay healthy, divide and stay healthy!!" I LOVE that print, it is beautiful!
3 from 3! Great results!
Divide and stay healthy, implant, grow, emerge, live, love, learn...
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