I already stood on my deck for a bit during the 6:15 dog put-out, enjoying the fresh air and surveying my kingdom. That reverie abruptly ended, though, when I locked eyes with the next-door neighbor standing outside in his track pants. He bolted at the sight of me. Weirdo.
I'm fixing to stay "up" for this month I dread. To prep for a proper kickoff day, last night I completed the big winter-to-spring/summer wardrobe switchover: Out with the muted olives and rusty reds! In with the pistachio greens and bright corals! It's the little things, so often.
All this month, I will concentrate on infusing my heart, mind, body, soul, home, family, work, and world with positivity. I've been hustling that plan already, but I think this May calls for a little extra oomph. Daily. On purpose.
Will track my doings here.
Image note: May Day by Andrew Wyeth
How about taking up a little gardening, Lisa? That's where I get my Zen on. Though even the most precious pooch can reek havoc on a yard.
You know I used to badly *want* to be good at gardening, but I never showed much promise! I am good at watering and weeding (out front), and will no doubt do a little safe container gardening on the deck this year.
Gardening is great! Container garden are so rewarding,too.
I pray that this May will bring peace and love -and be the complete opposite of the hell of last year.
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