I'll do a suppression check at 6 or 7 DPO (around 3 weeks from now), and if all looks good I'll shoot up with Cetrotide that night. Stims will begin about week after that. My clinic calls this a Natural Luteal Phase Antagonist Protocol — it's the same one we used for IVF #2.
I had a hysteroscopy 2 weeks ago, just to make sure everything looked normal after the D&C and that no new fibroids had sprouted. I still have one by my cervix that they didn't feel comfortable taking during my October 2007 myomectomy, but it hasn't grown and isn't making anyone (with an M.D.) nervous. Everything looks peachy. Make that pink-y — I saw my insides on a color monitor!
DH and I are flying out early Saturday to visit 5 different family units, with an (equal!) emphasis on both sets of parents. I want to go a little bit, really I do, but mostly I don't want to go in the least.
We haven't seen any family since well before we canceled last year's visit in the wake of finding out I needed surgery and needed it fast before proceeding to IVF #1 (followed by IVF #2, followed by miscarriage, followed by IVF #3 . . .).
I kind of wanted to see everyone under different circumstances: either with our baby in tow, or after we're totally done pursuing ART and I've had a chance to return to a more typical mindset and, I won't lie, body weight. Some of the clothes I'm packing are 2 sizes bigger than the ones I took on our last trip in 2007. It kinda stinks to anticipate the double-takes I know I'll get, but I know it will be fine and I'll enjoy seeing people I love.
All I'm really thinking about right now, though, is flying back home October 4 and getting this third dog-and-pony show on the road.
Time really will fly by! It seems to always do that during a cycle and go SOOO slow when you are waiting on the cycle to begin. I can also sympathize about seeing family. Whether they know or not, its hard to just be "normal" during ART. What is normal anymore, anyway?
I don't know if I've told you, but, your blog is the first one I found and read. You've really been a great support to me - without even knowing it! Thank you. I am praying that IVF #3 will be the one for you.
Have a safe trip!
I'll be following closely. Sending all the best sticky vibes and superovulation vibes.
Glad to hear that you have been given the all-clear to get started with IVF#3, and wishing all the very best of luck with this cycle, Lisa. I'll be thinking of you and hoping that all goes well.
I hope that your family visits this weekend are not too stressful - as Tara says, it can be very hard to act 'normal' when you are in the midst of IF.
I'm very hopeful for you and look forward to hearing all the updates!!
I know what you mean about putting things on hold pending the resolution of IF. I feel like that's what I've done the past couple of years. I've postponed trips, avoided family and friends, etc. etc.
I hope you enjoy your trip and come back refreshed for round 3!
I'm a great postponer as well, and don't get me started on the IVF weight gain...! Enjoy your family before the madness begins again!
hoping for the best for you. i will be following your blog entries.
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